SER Technologies

01902 714961



A Clean and Sustainable Energy Generating Source

Biomass is an excellent alternative to costly fossil fuels, it can be used to heat hot water and also heat small offices to large factories, saving you up to 60% on your energy bills. 

It provides low energy costs and excellent financial returns from the UK Governments Commercial RHI and the more you use the system the more you will earn in subsidies from the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme which provides index linked payments to you for 20 years

Contact us to arrange a full assessment of your energy needs, including how to cut your energy consumption.  

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Whether you’re a domestic or commercial client, biomass heating is not only a fantastic clean and sustainable energy source, it can also help reduce your energy costs. Using organic materials biomass boilers can supply 100% of your hot water and heating.

Biomass boilers can burn logs, wood chip or wood pellets and is perfect for use in smokeless residential zones. There are government payments available for domestic properties and if you are off the main grid, then upgrading to biomass should be considered.

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